Community therapy powerful tool for mental health in primary care

Sylvio Ricard Gonçalves de Souza Lima, Felipe Medeiros Fernandes, Emerson Tiago Silva de Oliveira, Andréia Karla Anacleto de Sousa, Ana Carolina de Souza Pieretti


Introduction: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1948). In this context the Community Therapy (CT) allows weave social networks through exchanges of experiences and minimize mental suffering. This work reports the experience of implementing the TC by undergraduate students medical in the Sertão of Paraiba.

Objective: Divulge the importance of Community Therapy as a tool for strengthening the bond between community and the Primary Health Care. Promote improved self-esteem and resilience of the subjects involved .Search break with the traditional form of health care by a hosting of quality for users.

Methodology or experience description: The wheels of community therapy were performed between January 2011 and November 2013, using the Basic Health Units in the cities of Bonito de Santa Fé and Cajazeiras , both in the Alto Sertão of Paraiba. In this period participated in the meetings a total 1224 people, including adults, children and seniors. The moments occurred weekly on Mondays , always 19h. The wheels were performed by the doctor and therapist Andrea Karla Anacleto, along with students from the medicine through the Scholarship Program Extension (PROBEX) Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). Considering the problems exposed were worked coping strategies thereof.

Results: In the execution phase of the wheels of TC the participants voiced their anguish and sufferings , talked of self, what led you to have insomnia. Revealing a transformative potential , of personal recognition , of sharing , that participants were unaware . Through this understanding of self and others were able of develop a resilient power against of the problems, as well as the ability to empowerment. Among the benefits most cited in evaluation was the formation of new social networks among the participants of CT. The strengthening of the connection between users and professionals Primary Health Care was achieved, thus achieved one of the objectives target in the Community Therapy.

Conclusions or Hypothesis: The Community Therapy proved to be an important tool to help in the process of promoting the overall well-being through a assistance more humanized. Through the CT was possible to start confront the anxieties and sufferings, and strengthening of ties with the Family Health Strategy, improving customer service and facilitating the implementation of strategies in healthcare.



Community Therapy; Primary Health Care; Sertão da Paraiba

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